Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Excuse Me, I Must Collapse Somewhere Near...

So here's the deal. I'm exhausted right now and I'm up at snore o'clock working. I've got so many sweet things to post here, very soon. Mostly videos. I'm the type of Mom that can't hit the "stop" button on the video camera, you know how I am. Anyhow, since I don't currently have the time to edit & condense this massive chunk of the last two weeks in Halle footage, here are some adorable things that will make any parents heart swell.

First of all:

Alison, by Jack Radcliffe. Don't even think about missing this series of photos. It'll only take 2 minutes of your day, but you won't soon forget it. It makes me wonder about all of the cumulative footage I'll have of Halle by the time she's married and settled down.

And now, onto the laughs:

First, if you're a fan of cute kids, and if you're here I assume you ARE, you simply must watch this. Like now. (Unless we're Facebook friends, in which you've probably already seen it) It's an incarnation of Amelie, talking about suicidal hippos that are allergic to magic. 

And, in the world of other cute kids that aren't mine:

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